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April 2024

Technology Spotlight 

The latest technology scoop......

Social Media vs. Mental Health 

by Brayana Zachary 

     Social media has embedded itself in our everyday lives in today’s society. It has influenced the way we communicate with each other, get our information, and view the world. Despite social media having advantages, there is a rising concern on how it affects our mental health. 

       Social media platforms often showcase idealized portrayals of individuals' lives. Sometimes people put on false portrayals of reality with editing, filters, and only putting certain things on their platform, producing an unrealistic reality. When people see these depictions of other people's lives this stimulates comparison and insecurities among users. People can develop low self-esteem and unhappiness with their own life when they are exposed to these pictures and lifestyles.


       Social media contributes to cyberbullying, people can get attacked, criticized, and humiliated online. Victims of cyberbullying may experience anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts as a result of persistent harassment. People treat others hurtful on social media platforms and don’t worry about consequences/accountability for their actions.

Due to this people feel they can attack and target people with no consequences. Social media is so widely used, hurtful or sensitive photos can spread and reach larger audiences, which can cause pain to others. 

      While social media offers opportunities for communication and interaction, the effects on mental health are undeniable. People should focus less on social media, and more on real life interactions. It is essential that individuals on social media discipline mindfulness, set boundaries, and prioritize their real lives. Social media companies should make it their mission to promote digital wellness and provide a safer virtual environment.  

        We want to hear more from our readers. Submit a response

        to the question below to Bryana Zachery


        What is your take on social media's effect on mental health? 

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