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Social Action Corner

Addiction is Real ! 

Students often suffer in silence as they battle addiction. Teens are leaning more and more to addictions to help heal or cushion the pain. Read the article for more reflection on the harmful effects of addiction.  

by Moni Robinson  

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"Athletes need to recognize the signs of addiction and

seek help when needed to address these issues."

Addiction is a serious issue that affects millions worldwide. Addiction can affect a human being's health and can make them think they need whatever they are addicted to when, in reality, they don’t need  the harmful activity or substance that they are reaching for.

It is a long-term disease and can involve substances such as drugs and alcohol, as well as behaviors like gambling, gaming, and sometimes eating. Research on addiction is extensive and ongoing. Addiction can contribute to the development and maintenance of addictive behaviors. Most of these behaviors are not good. 

First, let's talk about athletes that have addictions. The pressures of competition, performance expectations, or having the spotlight of fame can all contribute to the development of addictive behaviors in athletes. Athletes need to recognize the signs of addiction and seek help when needed to address these issues. 

Steroid use among athletes has been a big topic in the world of sports for a long time. While some athletes may resort to using steroids to enhance their performance, the negative consequences of such actions far outweigh any potential benefits. Steroid use on athletes affects athletes both physically and ethically. Steroids can lead to a lot of effects, including liver damage, cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances, and reproductive system disorders. These health complications not only jeopardize an athlete’s career but also create long-term risks to their overall well-being. 


The use of steroids by athletes carries negative consequences that extend far beyond mere performance enhancement. From physical health risks to ethical problems, reputation damage, and legal repercussions. The downsides of steroid use far outweigh any potential benefits. Athletes must prioritize their long-term well-being and uphold the principles of fair play and integrity in sports and we wanted to get the students take on addiction.

We asked Abdul Yusef a member of the Morrow High football team, if addiction among athletes at the school is a problem. He said, "he is not sure but it is not a problem for him". 

Hayden Davis a senior baseball player was asked the same question and he said, "No. players on his team have to take regular drug test and they have committed to having a drug free team."

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